Debugging WordPress with Ray, Part 2

[ad_1] TL;DR: Here’s another way to start debugging WordPress with Ray using Composer on a project-specific basis. Last week, I wrote a brief introduction on Ray, what I like about it, and why I enjoy using it with WordPress. I also gave a brief tutorial on how to use it in your day-to-day but that was it. Ultimately, I want to cover more about the application from a development and debugging standpoint (as I had some great feedback about it on Twitter – thanks for that!). Before doing so, though, I thought it would be more useful to start with one more tip on how to get started using it. Namely, how to use Ray with WordPress in a Composer-based workflow. Debugging WordPress with Ray, Part 2 The whole reason for me writing this up is two-fold: I like to build my WordPress plugins using Composer whenever I have the opportunity, I know there are others of you who enjoy doing the same and this will provide a way for you to get started doing so. Setting Up Composer Configuration Assuming you have the basics of your composer.json file set up correctly, you can add this line to the require-dev area of the file: { … “require-dev”: { “spatie/ray”: “^1.29.0” }, “autoload”: { “psr-4”: { … } } } Next, you can run either $ composer install or $ composer update depending on the state of your project. This will install Ray into the vendor director of your plugin and you can disable the WordPress plugin discussed in the previous post. Using Ray To use Ray, though, you’ll need to make sure you’re using namespaces and that you’re properly including a reference to Ray’s namespace to use the application. For example: namespace Acme; use SpatieRay; define(‘WPINC’) || die; require_once __DIR__ . ‘/vendor/autoload.php’; ray(‘Loaded…’); Obviously, this isn’t much of a plugin file but it’s enough to get you started with including it via Composer and running it via the namespace provided by the package. For Part 3, Maybe I could say that next, I’m going to talk about all of the things that you can use Ray for in terms of debugging (or, more precisely, improved variable and query inspection) locally or remotely, but feedback may necessitate something other than this. So that’s the plan but we’ll see what happens between this article and the next. [ad_2] Source link

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How to Migrate Your WordPress Website (3 Methods)

[ad_1] Despite the varied number of ways to create and design your WordPress website, there’s still much confusion over getting your files from a local computer to your live server. If you’ve ever wanted to migrate your WordPress website, you’ll know what we mean. WordPress has a number of moving parts, and each of these need some setup on your new server. As such, there are a number of plugins available, but you’ll still need to get stuck into some of the options. In this post, we’ll show you how to migrate your WordPress website, and pull from a previous article on the subject. However, we’ll also look at your options for getting the job done, and why you’d want to migrate your site in the first place. Why You’d Want to Migrate Your Website There’s a lot of (correct) advice that says, “Don’t develop a live site”. In reality, this isn’t strictly followed. For example, we all update plugins, and make tiny CSS tweaks here and there, and carry out many more small changes. However, this is a calculated risk. any one of these changes can ruin the User Experience (UX). For example, take a plugin update. If there’s a compatibility issue, this can take out the front end of your site, which means traffic can’t get to you. Given this, a better idea is to develop on your computer – i.e. locally – or in some instances, on a staging site. This lets you make any changes you like without impacting your live site. What’s more, you can edit to perfection before releasing it to the masses. This works in reverse too. You’ll usually need to migrate your live site to work on it locally. However, this isn’t as common – most developers will work on a staging version of a live site because there are more flexible options for migrating some dynamic data (comments, for example). What You’ll Need Before Migrating Your WordPress Website Depending on your overall goals with regard to migrating your WordPress website, there are a few prerequisites you’ll need. Here is the list of what you’ll need: Most of these elements will already be in place. However, if you don’t have a suitable plugin in mind, this may need some further attention. Choosing a Suitable WordPress Migration Plugin There are two ways to source a migration plugin for WordPress: the ‘decisive’ way, and the ‘considered’ way. In reality, neither are wrong, and both will get you to your desired location. Let’s quickly summarize them: Which one you choose will be down to whether this is a one-time migration, or a tool for your workflow. Even so, there may be some cross-over. For a one-off migration, you’ll arguably want to pick the most straightforward tool and get on with the task in hand. However, even here, you may need to do some research. For example, Duplicator is a ‘go-to’ WordPress migration plugin: It’s one we’ve covered previously on our blog. However, All-In-One WP Migration also has a huge number of fans: There are also a few premium solutions that come with rave reviews. If you’re already using the UpdraftPlus plugin to backup your site, you’ll be pleased to know this offers a migrator as a premium add-on. For development-focused migration, WP Migrate DB Pro by Delicious Brains also comes with great user feedback. It’s well-coded, and looks to make the migration process easy: Overall, if you’re looking to migrate your WordPress website, there are plenty of plugins available. The whole process should take around an hour at the most. However, it may be that you won’t need to touch your site at all, depending on your circumstances. How to Migrate Your WordPress Website (3 Methods) Usually, we’d walk you though how to migrate your WordPress website using a step-by-step approach. However, we’ve covered some of the methods below in detail elsewhere. Instead, we’ll go over some of the methods you’ll want to consider, and where to find the information to get up and running. Let’s quickly look at the methods we’ll feature: Consider whether your host can migrate your WordPress website. Install and activate a WordPress plugin to carry out the migration. Manually migrate your site (if you have the skills). Note that depending on why you want to migrate your WordPress website, some of the methods here might not fit your needs. If this is the case, feel free to skip to a method that suits! 1. Let Your Host Migrate Your WordPress Website First, your WordPress hosting provider could help you migrate your site. However, it’s worth noting that this isn’t going to be a good fit if you want to take your site to your local machine. Under most circumstances, hosts will only help you migrate your site from a competitor’s service for free. Some hosts will offer a premium migration service. For example, Kinsta (our review) offers a free migration service for selected hosts, but also provides a premium migration service too. Often, migrations are offered as a signup perk. Even where they’re a part of your overall hosting plan, you should be able to carry out migrations too. However, some hosts such as WP Engine (our review + 20% off coupon) offer a dedicated plugin to help you get your site to its platform: Similarly, SiteGround offers a migrator plugin to help get your site from one live server to another: However, these solutions don’t normally let your move from a local host to a live server. For this, you’ll need a different plugin. 2. Use a Dedicated Plugin to Migrate Your WordPress Website Most of the situations where you’ll need to migrate your WordPress website will involve going from your local computer to a live server. As such, you’ll need a plugin to help you. As we’ve noted throughout the post, WPKube has featured several of these tools previously: In fact, we’ve even covered how to use WP Migrate DB Pro (our review) in its dedicated review.

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Open Survey for WordPress Theme Authors on JSON Files and Block Themes – WP Tavern

[ad_1] WordPress 5.8 introduced an opt-in system for themes to configure block settings, styles, templates, and more. It is done through a new theme.json file that authors can put at the root of their theme folders. Anne McCarthy, the lead of the FSE Outreach Program, announced a survey earlier today to get feedback from developers on this feature. “Since this new mechanism is an early step towards a comprehensive style system for the future of WordPress, it’s important to hear from everyone who is currently using theme.json to learn more about how folks are using this tool and what might make sense to include in Core going forward,” she wrote in the announcement. The survey is open to all theme authors who have used theme.json, giving them a chance to put in some early feedback and help steer the ship going forward. Because I have worked extensively with this system over the past few months, I had a few things to say. Plus, I just like participating in WordPress-related surveys. I also decided it would be an opportunity to share some of my unfiltered thoughts from a development perspective on the current state of theme.json. What follows are my responses to the survey’s questions — well, the tidied-up version. Note: This is a developer-centric post that might not universally appeal to all of our readers. I have attempted to explain some things in user-friendly terminology, but some prerequisite knowledge of theme development may be necessary. Experience The first question of the survey is pretty cut-and-dry. It asks what your experience is with building block themes or using theme.json. It provides four choices (and an “other” option): I have built and launched block themes. I have experimented with building block themes. I have explored using theme.json with a classic theme. I have used a block theme, but I have not built one yet. I chose the first option because I have already built two block themes for family and friends. These were simple personal sites that I already maintain for free — honestly, I need to start charging. I am also working on a theme that I hope to release publicly. How It Started and How It’s Going The second question asks how one got started with block themes and theme.json. The choices are between forking an existing theme, using the Empty Theme, or starting from scratch. Again, this is one of those things where I have experimented with each direction, but I cannot remember the exact starting point. The bulk of my work has come from forking a theme that I last worked on in 2019. I plan to release this as a new theme for free at some point. I am mostly waiting on the following: Navigation block development to settle down The Post Author block to be split into smaller blocks A robust set of comment-related blocks Post Featured Image block to have a size option I think I could realistically release a use-at-your-own-risk beta version of my theme today if those items were addressed. Templates and Template Parts The survey asked which templates and template parts themers always include in their block-based themes. There was a freeform comment field — steps upon soapbox… I have a love/hate relationship with block templates at the moment. The static nature of HTML templates reminds me of simpler times when theme development was less complicated. However, this also presents a problem in a dynamic system. I cannot remember the last time I have built a traditional, PHP-based theme with more than one top-level template: index.php. The dynamic pieces have always been the guts of the thing, which are template parts. With PHP, it is easy to set some variable or use a function call to contextually load the templates parts necessary for whichever page a visitor is currently viewing on a site. The block template system does not work like that. It essentially forces developers into breaking the Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle. For example, if a designer wanted to display a different header template part for pages and posts, they would only need to create a header-page.php or header-post.php template in traditional themes. However, because the block template system is different, they must now create two top-level templates, single.html (post) and page.html, to accomplish the same thing. This is a “bad thing” because theme authors must duplicate all the other code in each of the top-level templates. There is no way to contextually load different template parts. To answer the question: I am using almost all of the possible top-level templates out of necessity. I also answered the second part of the question and listed my most commonly used template parts (broken down by hierarchy): Header Content– Loop– Sidebar Footer The content-*.html and loop-*.html template parts are those with the most variations. Defining Colors The next section of the survey asks how theme authors define their color palette slugs in theme.json. Believe it or not, naming colors may be the most controversial topic in the theming world in years. The only two things generally agreed upon are “background” and “foreground” colors. Morten Rand-Hendriksen opened a ticket in 2018 for standardizing a theme color naming scheme. It was not the first discussion and has not been the last. The problem it was meant to address was the slugs for colors in the system, which is how themes define their palettes. Once a user makes use of a preset color, the slug is hardcoded into their content. Switch to another theme with different slugs, and the old colors disappear and do not automatically change to the new theme’s colors. I use semantic names that follow something that closely resembles the Tailwind CSS framework’s shading system. Instead of red-medium (descriptive), I would use primary-500 (semantic), for example. A semantic approach would allow theme authors to define a set of colors that are updated each time a user switches themes. Of course, there are other schools of thought, and even everyone who prefers

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Debugging WordPress with Ray, Part 1

[ad_1] TL;DR: This post gives a high-level overview of what kind of app Ray is and how to set it up for use in WordPress. For as long as I’ve been involved with WordPress development, I’ve consistently seen developers – myself included – consistently use print_r and var_dump whenever they need to see what’s going on within their code. And this is okay for smaller data structures like looks at objects, arrays, and so on. Then on the other end of the debugging spectrum, if you need to step through code to see what arguments are being passed into a given function from where and with what value, then using something like Xdebug is incredibly helpful. Until recently, I didn’t think there was middle ground. But then I found Ray and I’ve been using it ever since. Debugging WordPress with Ray, Part 1 What is Ray? Before talking about debugging WordPress with Ray, it’s worth understanding what Ray is and what it is not. The first being that it’s not something that’s exclusively WordPress, so if you’ve stumbled across this post as someone else in the broader PHP community it’s something that’s still work checking out. With that said, let’s assume that you’re a WordPress-based developer and you’re looking to learn more about what Ray is all about. First, though it does provide an elegant example of what your code looks like when dumped out to a screen it offers much more. Note that when you use Ray, you’ll need some additional tooling, which I’ll cover a bit more in a moment, but if you want to continue to dump information out into a format using something similar to var_dump, Ray supports that. It just makes it look nicer. 🙂 Secondly, when you invoke Ray from within your code, it will make sure that you know where the call is coming from. This way, you know exactly what file and what line at which you’re looking. This is useful especially when you have multiple calls. Third, you can actually pause your code’s execution much like you do whenever you’re using an actual debugger. This means that once it hits a certain point in your code (and this is useful if you’re hitting a switch condition or an if condition or if you’re using, say, a factory in object-oriented programming and want to know which instance of an object has been instantiated), then you can halt execution and get a better sense of what’s going on with your project. Finally, you can organize the types of output into various colors. This means that if you hit a certain branch in code and you don’t want to hit that branch, you can categorize it as red. Similarly, you can do the same with green, orange, purple, and more. It really depends on you and what you’re aiming to achieve by looking at your data. Using Ray in WordPres If you read the docs for installing Ray in WordPress, it may seem a little intimidating (especially depending on your experience with the CLI, with Git, and with must-use plugins). The nice thing is, it doesn’t have to be this way. Instead, you can grab the WordPress Ray Plugin from the plugin repo (either from the site or from within WordPress depending on your permissions). Once the plugin has been installed, you should be able to immediately be able to start dumping information into Ray. Using Git and Composer If you opt to use Git and Composer, make sure that those two tools are installed on your system, then do the following. First, clone the repository into your mu-plugins directory by issuing the following command: $ git clone Next, navigate to that directory in your terminal and run: $ composer install Once that process has finished, open wp-config.php and add the following two lines: require_once ABSPATH . ‘wp-content/mu-plugins/wordpress-ray/wp-ray.php’; define( ‘WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE’, ‘local’ ); After that, you can start using the ray function in your code. For example, I have the following line of code running in a template that I’m using as a demo for this article: <?php ray( wp_get_current_user() ); ?> Then, whenever this page is loaded, the Ray app will display the following: This is obviously rich information – information that can still be read via other means – but in a much more elegant fashion. For Part 2 In Part 2 of the series, I’ll cover how to start debugging code using Ray and why I enjoy using the app as a middle ground in between something like var_dump and Xdebug. Further, I’ll go through some of the WordPress-specific features of Ray so that you can see how this is more than “a pretty way to dump variables.” Ultimately, I think Xdebug is still something that should be used, but Ray is a much nicer middle ground that provides a lot of solid debugging functionality without needing the full on support of a true debugger. [ad_2] Source link

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Organize WordPress Media Library With Folders

[ad_1] If you’ve ever found yourself frantically scrolling through months’ worth of media content to find that one picture you swear you uploaded a while back, WP Media Folder may be the perfect plugin for you. Long considered to be one of the best WordPress media library plugins available, this multi-functional media management tool has recently been given yet another major update, packing in, even more, features designed to optimize your media files. As a result, you get more ways to fully take control of your pictures, videos, and other content, saving you ample time in finding the right media for the right post with zero hassle.  Below, we’ll talk you through all of those new additions as well as explaining everything you need to know to decide if this is the right media library plugin for you. In a nutshell, WP Media Folder is a premium plugin that lets you organize all of your media content into folders and subfolders so that it’s easy to find.  However, it’s also so much more than that.  The plugin’s key features also allow you to: Upload single or bulk files directly to folders Move files between folders with drag and drop Use detailed sort/filter options to find things even more easily Search folder names to quickly navigate to the right folder Import files from FTP and sync folder structure Upload and replace existing files in your media library (helpful if you need to update an old image that you’ve used in multiple places) As if that wasn’t enough, there are also two handy add-ons that add even more functionality including: Integration with a range of cloud services including Dropbox, Google Photos, and more The ability to create fully optimized photo galleries straight from your media library. If you ask us, this second feature is especially appealing as it saves you the time, trouble, and expense of also utilizing a separate gallery plugin.  How Much Does WP Media Folder Cost?  We’ll dive more into those features later, but for now it’s worth mentioning that they aren’t the only thing that’s very appealing about this plugin.  Article Continues Below The price is also very attractive, especially when compared to other tools of this type. The core WP Media Folder plugin costs $29 for 6 months of support/updates. You can also get 12 months of support/updates for $39. And if you want both add-ons, you’ll pay $59 for the core plugin, both add-ons, and 12 months of support/updates. No matter which plan you purchase, you can use the plugin on unlimited sites. If you’re fed up with plugins that are a chore to set up, you’ll find a lot to like about WP Media Folder.  After downloading from the website and installing to your WordPress site, you’ll be taken to a handy configuration wizard which does all of the hard work for you. Environment Check Up first, the wizard checks your server environment to ensure that you’ve got the right technical infrastructure to support the plugin.  Let’s face it; there’s nothing more annoying than setting everything up only to realise your PHP is outdated and nothing is going to work right, so this is a great place to start. Next, you’ll be asked to opt-in to WP Media Folder’s core features as well as additional features. While the ability to override and duplicate files is definitely handy, it’s the first two of these features that we like the most. Opting into the front-end mode allows you to use the plugin with popular front-end page builders like Visual Composer and Elementor, making it even easier to put together a high-performance WordPress site with minimal technical know-how required. Meanwhile, the ability to embed videos from third-party sources such as YouTube means you still enjoy all the benefits of sharing video content on your site without the negative impact on your site speed. Of course, you can technically do that anyway, but this simplifies the process and ensures you can always quickly find previous videos you’ve embedded if you ever need to use them again. With that done, you can go back and install the add-on plugins if you opted to use them, and then you’re ready to start using WP Media Folder. Viewing Your Folders The WP Media Folder interface has some similarities to Google Drive’s interface in how it displays subfolders inside the interface.  And it also includes a traditional file tree on the left-hand side so that you can jump around as needed: One of the key differences from the last big update of this plugin is it now gives you even more options for sorting and organizing your files and folder.  Along with the options to add new media from your harddrive or use a third-party video, you also have further options which include:  Bulk Select  While this was available in the last version of WP Media Folder, it’s still such a useful feature that it’s worth mentioning again.  Bulk select allows you to pick multiple pictures at once and either delete them permanently or simply move them over to a new folder with ease. Filtering  If you really do have a lot of media files to organize, Filtering is the first of two options that will help you find exactly what you’re looking for, allowing you to drill down so that you only see certain types of content or content uploaded on a particular date. You can even filter everything out so that you only see images of a certain file size which is incredibly useful if you’re looking to free-up some server space and improve your site performance. Sorting  If filtering out still doesn’t help you find what you need, the Sorting Option will help you to organize either your folders or individual files by name, date, size, or file type.  Creating A Folder To create a folder, you simply click on the Add New Folder button, give it a name, and you have a brand new folder: Visually Organizing Folders

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From WordPress to Freedom – HeroPress

[ad_1] Hello there! Do you know that having a WordPress knowledge can change your life for good? Yes! It can. In the last half of 2020 which of course can be said as the pandemic year, I made more than $750 (₦300,000) creating websites with WordPress. Perhaps I could have made more even as a beginner, but I also had a full time job which didn’t make it easy for me as a beginner at that time. I didn’t quit my job at that time and I still haven’t cos WordPress is now easier and I started managing both ends well enough after few months. How I Started I was already a graduate of Computer Science and finished my service year by October 2019 but as regards employability I only had a beginner knowledge in HTML and CSS, of course I had pages created with that but I couldn’t make them really interactive cos I didn’t know enough JavaScript and I also had little knowledge of PHP. Here in my country, no one really hires Junior developers with no JS knowledge, then I needed money to keep myself learning. The bail out, I understood I needed to be skilled, so I began to see what I can do. One morning in May/June 2020 I decided to rearrange my workspace, then I found an old jotter of mine. Going through it, I found my jottings from watching a video on 4 professions you can learn on your own and get skilled with it (Note -not exactly the video title). On the list was WordPress, I went online and started searching on becoming a WordPress developer as a beginner. At this time, I already had a job, the pay was low which is also why I was thinking of learning new skills, meanwhile, pandemic also joined. The most helpful resource for me during my search then and till now is the WP Beginner website. With the little internet/data I had, I started reading, learning and practicing. I learnt how to register a domain, get a host and build with WordPress. I saved some money, registered 2 imaginary domain names, hosted them and built them with WordPress and Elementor, this was already early 2020. What next, I had to show people what I knew and what I have done with what I knew, cos no one would know if I didn’t show it. I posted the 2 websites on twitter, got some likes and comments, then got some messages to create 3 websites for some clients, I kept building and showing it, and the rest as they say is history. By the end of 2020, I already created about 10 websites and since then I have been making some side income as a Website creator aside my full-time job as a stock/store manager. My challenges  No active WordPress community here to support, and sometimes I have a block as to what to learn next and how to get clients. I solve what to learn with trying new things or interests, I recently enrolled in a UI/UX design class and I can say I really explored, cos I will be finishing an online internship this week of writing in July, 2021. In summary, learning about WordPress is something you can turn to a skill, a full time job, a side hustle and other cool things. Learn, build and show the world what you have. With WordPress, you can create amazing things and earn more. Thank you for reading. Related [ad_2] Source link

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10 Best Event & Conference Themes for WordPress (+ Our Picks)

[ad_1] Would you like to attract potential customers and business partners to your next seminar so that you can do business together? Or perhaps you are setting up a meetup for the local hobby group and want to get as many like-minded people together as possible? Whatever your situation is, you need an interesting website that catches everyone’s attention. At the same time, your site should give all the information your potential partner needs. In this post, we look at the best event themes for WordPress that will impact your visitors. So whether you are a musician, a business owner, or a speaker, you’ll find the right theme that makes your website stand out. But Before We Look at the Themes, Let’s Talk About Your Website First To have a functional website, you need a web host to store all your content. There are quite a few hosts out there, and sometimes it’s challenging to pick the right one for your needs. The one we recommend here at WP Kube is Bluehost, one of the most popular hosting companies for WordPress. It offers an outstanding balance between features and affordability. And once you have your site up and running with Bluehost, it’s time to complement the setup with some of the best WordPress plugins. When you have taken all the steps above, you are now ready to pick the theme for your event website. 1. Oscillator Oscillator is a WordPress theme for DJs, clubs, event organizers, and the whole entertainment industry. The theme contains plenty of valuable features that help you showcase your talent or promote your event. For instance, you can choose between six page types, including artist, discography, or gallery. You can also let the visitor stream or download media on the website with an integrated audio player. Key Features: The theme supports translations so that you can serve international audiences. Oscillator integrates with WooCommerce, and you can create your event-based online store. It is optimized for speed. Six custom widgets improve how your content looks. The list includes “tracklisting” to show discography tracks, or “events” to show upcoming or recurring events. The homepage supports a slider for displaying slideshow content. 💰 Price: starting from $49 (use our CSSIgniter coupon to get 30% off) DOWNLOAD / MORE INFO VIEW DEMO 2. Divi Divi, by Elegant Themes, is a mixture of a WordPress theme and a page builder.  With Divi, you can create stunning websites with drag-and-drop functionality. You can also customize every part of your website.  This powerful functionality lets you create a website visually, with no coding. You can also make whatever type of website you want (you are not just limited to event sites). Divi includes 100+ Layout Packs that help you build a website for every occasion. In the event category alone, you can find 11 packs, including Design Conference, Meetup, or Event Venue. Key Features: The theme contains 40+ elements you can use on your website, including sliders, galleries, or testimonials. With Divi, you can customize every part of the site. You can even customize your theme with the Theme Builder tool. There are many built-in productivity features that make your website building faster. These features include saving and reusing your designs, editing multiple elements at once, or speeding up the common actions with keyboard shortcuts. Test anything with built-in split-testing tools to see which layout or element performs better. Access to 100 extensions that expand the functionality of your Divi website. 👉 If you are interested in more of what Elegant Themes can offer, see our Elegant Themes review.💰 Price: starting $89/year (use our Elegant Themes Coupon to get 20% off) DOWNLOAD / MORE INFO VIEW DEMO 3. Astra Pro Astra is currently one of the most popular WordPress themes. It is lightweight and optimized for fast page downloads. It is also full of features that help you build any type of website you wish. One exciting feature is its pre-built website library. With these websites, you can build your site fast. The library includes a template for over 150 different sites. In the event space, you can find templates for Weddings, DJs, or conference events. Or you can create the template of your own by customizing the pre-built template to your needs. With Astra, every aspect of your website is easily customizable, including fonts, colors, headers, or blog posts.  All the features are available without a page builder since this theme integrates nicely with the Gutenberg editor. Key Features: Build and customize your headers and footers. The theme integrates with WooCommerce so that you can create an online shop on your website. Astra is translation-ready, so you can also serve international audiences. Customize your website with no coding skills. Hook your website with an LMS (Learning Management System), like LifterLMS. 💰 Price: starting $47/year DOWNLOAD / MORE INFO VIEW DEMO 4. ShowPro ShowPro is a theme that includes eight starter designs, helping you to create your conference website quickly. The theme is customizable with the standard WordPress customizer, and you can easily access various aspects of the page elements, including colors and fonts. ShowPro also contains multiple page and blog layouts you can choose from. You can also choose from half a dozen header layouts to your liking. What makes ShowPro more complete is the Conference Plugin, which is designed solely for managing conference websites.  But here is the catch: If you decide to purchase the plugin only, you don’t get access to ShowPro themes. Therefore, I suggest you invest in the “theme + plugin” package to get the best of both worlds. Key Features: A lightweight theme designed for speed. Choose a layout from various starter sites, then customize it to finish your design. Display all the event sessions in one beautiful schedule (the Conference Plugin). Add and manage the speaker information (the Conference Plugin). Ticket Sales integration with Eventbrite (the Conference Plugin). 💰 Price: $79/year (the Conference plugin only), $129/year (ShowPro themes + the Conference Plugin). DOWNLOAD / MORE

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Enabling and Disabling WordPress 5.8 Features – WP Tavern

[ad_1] WordPress 5.8 was one of the most feature-packed updates that the community has seen in ages. There was just about a little something for everyone. And, there were plenty of things that some users would rather live without. Big releases on the CMS that powers 40% of the web mean that some users will want or need to disable new features. Whether it is turning on classic widgets, bringing back infinite scrolling in the media library, or enabling the template editor, there is bound to be a solution. Some say there is a plugin for everything, so we are about to test that theory against the WordPress 5.8 features list. Enable the Template Editor Creating a landing page in the template editor. The template editor is one of the highlights of WordPress 5.8, but the majority of users cannot use it right now. Weeks before the latest update, the release team decided to make this an opt-in feature. This put the responsibility on theme authors to test their themes and enable it. However, users could be waiting for weeks, months, or even longer to see if their theme author switches the feature on. Not every theme will work well with the template editor. Much of this comes down to how each was designed. However, many will work just fine with the new feature even if the theme author has not yet sent out an update that enables it. The only way most users can know is to turn it on and test it themselves. The Template Editor plugin by Webd Ltd does just this. There are no settings; just activate and give it a test run. Keep in mind that results may vary. If template editing does not work out, just disable the plugin. WebP and Controlling Image Formats Modern Images WP settings. WordPress 5.8 introduced support for WebP images. This image type could reduce file sizes by 25-34%, depending on the original format. While WordPress supports WebP, it does not automatically change it upon upload. However, it now has the image_editor_output_format hook that plugin authors can filter. The Modern Images WP plugin by Adam Silverstein builds on top of that hook. It allows users to decide how their uploaded images are formatted on a case-by-case basis via the Media Settings screen. For example, users can transform their JPEG images to WebP or leave it as the default format. Classic Widgets Block widgets screen in WordPress 5.8. Square peg, meet round hole. That is how I have often described the block-based widgets system introduced in WordPress 5.8. It is meant as a temporary transitional phase between classic and block themes. For many, myself included, it is one best avoided. Block widgets simply do not work with all themes, and some people just want the traditional widgets experience. Whatever the case, there is no shortage of options: For users who would still rather simply avoid all things related to blocks, the Disable Gutenberg plugin by Jeff Starr is your best bet. It is the most robust solution available, allowing site owners to fine-tune the experience. Enable Infinite Scrolling for the Media Library Media library with load more button. WordPress 5.8 replaced infinite scrolling in the media library in favor of an Ajax-powered load more button. This change limited each “page” of images and other media to 40 items. This was a necessary change for keyboard users attempting to reach content appended to the screen and those who rely on audible feedback for navigation. Infinite loading was also a performance issue for those on slower connections. Accessibility and performance should always trump bells and whistles, but the WordPress development team provided a filter hook for plugin authors to tap into and reenable the feature. The change was slated for the WordPress 5.7 release but did not quite make the cut. David Baumwald released the Media Library Enable Infinite Scrolling plugin months ago in anticipation of it. The plugin still works great with WordPress 5.8 and is the solution for those who want to load images in the media library without clicking a button. The one missing plugin would let users control the number of media items displayed. For some, they are OK dropping infinite scrolling but want to bump up that 40-item limit. There is currently no way for plugin developers to hook in and change this, at least until an open ticket works its way through the system. Maybe there is not a plugin for everything yet, but it is close enough. Like this: Like Loading… [ad_2] Source link

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Weekly WordPress News: Introducing WordPress 5.8 “Tatum”

[ad_1] Hey, WordPress fans. We are checking in with your latest dose of weekly WordPress news. This week, WordPress 5.8 is officially released. This is a major release, so there’s no pressure to update right away. But give it a try and update when you feel ready. You can learn more about notable features from WP Tavern’s post here. Beyond that, Gutenberg 11.1 brings several new features and includes nearly three dozen bug fixes. There are also a number of acquisitions in the WordPress space.  Let’s get to all of this week’s WordPress news… WORDPRESS NEWS AND ARTICLES TUTORIALS AND HOW-TOS RESOURCES [ad_2] Source link

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WordPress 5.8 “Tatum” Introduces Block Widgets, Duotone Media Filters, New Emoji Support, and More – WP Tavern

[ad_1] WordPress 5.8 “Tatum,” named in honor of jazz pianist Art Tatum, landed earlier today. It is the second major release in 2021. It includes duotone media filters, block-based widgets, theme-related blocks, template editing, and theme JSON file support. The release also ships tons of other notable features, such as support for new Emoji and an Update URI field for plugin authors to offer custom updates. The latest update also drops support for IE11, saying goodbye to the era of Internet Explorer. Matt Mullenweg led the WordPress 5.8 release, which saw contributions from 530 volunteers. The entire release team closed 320 Trac tickets and over 1,500 GitHub pull requests. The official release squad members were: Release Co-Coordinator: Jeffrey Paul Release Co-Coordinator: Jonathan Desrosiers Editor Tech Lead: Riad Benguella Marketing and Communications Lead: Josepha Haden Chomphosy Documentation Lead: Milana Cap Test Lead: Piotrek Boniu Support Lead: Mary Job Duotone and Media Improvements Duotone filter + gradient overlay on a Cover block. The Image and Cover blocks received a new duotone feature. It is a filter that allows users to lay two colors over their media, creating unique effects. The colors overwrite the shadows and highlights of the image or video. Users can use WordPress’s defaults, theme-defined colors, or create their own mixes. WordPress 5.8 also introduces several upgrades to the media library. The development team replaced infinite scrolling with a “load more” button, improving the experience for screen-reader and keyboard users. End-users can now copy media file URLs from the Add New media screen. The latest release offers WebP image format support for the first time, and developers have a new image_editor_output_format filter hook to fine-tune the experience. Block Widgets Widgets screen with a Gallery block in the Footer sidebar. For the first time since the block system launched with WordPress 5.0 nearly three years ago, blocks are no longer confined to the post content editor. Users can now use them in any available sidebar. This is a stepping stone in the Full Site Editing experience that will eventually lead to block themes and the site editor. In the meantime, it is a way for users to begin trying out blocks in new ways. However, those experiences may vary, depending on the active theme. Some older projects may not hold up well with this system. Authors may need to opt-out of the feature. Users who do not want to use block widgets or run into trouble can install the Classic Widgets plugin. Query Loop and Theme Blocks Query Loop pattern inserter: carousel view. The power to create lists, grids, and other designs around a group of posts has long been solely in the wheelhouse of developers. Users had to rely on their themes or specialized plugins to make such changes. This is no longer the case. Users will have the power to create almost any type of post list they want from now and far into the future with the Query Loop block. And, this is just the beginning. WordPress 5.8’s new block is merely an introduction to what will eventually be one of the foundational elements to Full Site Editing in the coming years. As more and more blocks continue to mature, users and theme authors will continue building all sorts of layouts from this simple starting point. The Query Loop block will also be the first introduction of the pattern inserter to many users. This is a new tool that allows users to scroll through block patterns, choose one, and customize. In the future, it will become a more prominent feature. Inserting lists of posts is just scratching the surface. WordPress 5.8 ships a new “Theme” category of blocks for users to play around with. Many of these are primarily for use within the Query Loop, such as the Post* blocks. However, others like Site Title and Site Tagline will be handy in the template editor. Template Editor Creating a custom landing page template. The new template editor provides users with a method of creating reusable templates. And, they do not need a 100% block theme to do it. The feature opens an overlay from the content-editing screen for users to customize their page header, footer, and everything in between. This is essentially a scaled-back version of the upcoming site editor. With 5.8, its primary use case will be for creating custom landing pages. It is a lot of power in the hands of the average user. And, it helps WordPress inch closer to its goal of not only democratizing publishing but also design. The downside to this feature? It is currently opt-in. The active theme must declare support for users to access it. Many will not see it until developers submit updates. Developers: theme.json Support Real-world theme.json file. WordPress 5.8 lets theme authors begin tapping into global styles and settings configuration via the new theme.json system. In the coming years, this will be the foundation of how themers build their projects. Essentially, the new file is a bridge between themes, WordPress, and users, a standardized method of communication that puts them all on the same page. Theme authors define which settings it supports and its default styles. WordPress reflects these via the editing interfaces and on the front end. And, users can overwrite them on a per-block basis or, eventually, through the Global Styles feature. Right now, it is an opt-in feature that both traditional and block themes can utilize. Themers will want to start moving their projects over to using it now that WordPress 5.8 is on the doorstep. 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