Resources, Week of 5 September 2021

[ad_1] It’s been a little while since the last time I’ve shared some of the stuff that I’ve found. Part of it has to do with the fact that I’ve had stuff outside of work and blogging that have been of higher priority, and part of it has to do with taking a vacation. So this is a bit of a longer list than usual but it should have enough for someone to find something interesting. Week of 5 September 2021 Resources Articles Apps Utilities My Own Posts There you go; lots of stuff over the last few weeks. Until next time. ✌🏻 [ad_2] Source link

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Resources, Week of 8 August 2021

[ad_1] I don’t have a lot of things to share this week – just some articles and utilities – but if I had to narrow it down to what I’d recommend reading, it’d be the articles on Things 3.14, and the article on incentivizing quality code. That’s all my comments; on to the list. Week of 8 August 2021 Resources Articles Utilities and Resources More next week (assuming I keep up with all my feeds) 👋🏻. [ad_2] Source link

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Resources, Week of 1 August 2021

[ad_1] This week, I finally started using a combination of Bio and Hey World to start pulling together all of the content that I share online. This blog is obviously primarily devoted to software development and although I considered broadening the scope of it (for longer than you may think), it just seemed easier to use another place and have a single landing page for all the feeds, socials, and so on. Anyway, that’s the personal stuff I have to share for this week. In the mean time, here are the resources that I found interesting. Week of 1 August 2021 Resources Articles Resources PHP WordPress My Own Posts It’s late where I am but the Internet is on all the time everywhere so it’s mid-day somewhere 🙂. [ad_2] Source link

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Resources, Week of 25 July 2021

[ad_1] Most of the resources and articles I’m sharing this week are the usual type but there are a few, such as original Kindles no longer being able to access the web via 3G, that are an interesting read mainly because I remember when the device came out and that was a specifically killer feature for me. I also started working on a series on how to use Ray to debug features in WordPress. I cover this later in the article. Week of 25 July 2021 Resources Articles PHP Utilities My Own Posts I’m planning tow work on my series on Ray a little bit more and have another article out next week. Until then. 👋🏻 [ad_2] Source link

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Resources, Week of 18 July 2021

[ad_1] This week, I clocked out of my role as a Senior Backend Engineer at WebDevStudios (and it was a great 2.5 years of solid work on some very interesting projects), and began working as a Senior Developer at Awesome Motive. I’m sure I’ll have plenty to share as I settled into the new role but, until then, I here are some of the resources I’ve found over the week: Week of 18 July 2021 Resources Articles WordPress Podcasts Resources That’s all for this week. Remember to check out some of the Reels I have on Instagram (especially if you play guitar) and throw a remix on ’em. Until next week! 👋🏻 [ad_2] Source link

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Resources, Week of 11 July 2021

[ad_1] Here’s a list of resources for the previous week including things for PHP, JavaScript, and other articles and tools. I also talk a little bit about where else I am and may start posting content. Week of 11 July 2021 Resources PHP Articles JavaScript Tools I didn’t publish any articles of my own on this blog this week but: I’ve recently gotten into Reels on Instagram (I’m a big fan of the Remix feature with other guitarists though I’ve admittedly not done much publicly yet), And I’m looking at maybe doing a bit more personal publishing on Hey World (I wrote one post a few months ago). So if you’re into any of that, let me know. Until next week. 👋🏻 [ad_2] Source link

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Resources, Week of 4 July 2021

[ad_1] This past weekend, we celebrated the Fourth of July here in the States. If you celebrated anything over the past weekend, I hope it was great. If not, perhaps the next holiday will be 🙂. Week of 4 July 2021 Resources WordPress PHP CSS Resources Articles I also published a couple of articles of my own: Building Backcast, Part 6 How To Downgrade Composer, PHP, and NPM Until next week. 👋🏻 [ad_2] Source link

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Resources, Week of 27 June 2021

[ad_1] As I’ve shared in the last few articles for this category, I started sharing stuff on Twitter pretty regularly. But I don’t that much more either. So, given that I’ve started keeping a list of things in Apple Notes that I find useful, I thought I might as well return to form and share them here. They will probably have a much longer shelf-life and maybe reach more people between subscribers and tweeting out a link to the post. Week of 27 June 2021 Resources Now that I’ve been back on writing these posts for the last little while, this will likely be the last time I use a more-or-less canned intro to ease back into it. PHP Tools Articles and Questions Miscellaneous A few more than last week’s post, but still a bit more slim than I’d like. Nonetheless, there’s some cool stuff up here, right? 🙂 [ad_2] Source link

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Resources, Week of 20 June 2021

[ad_1] As I’ve shared in the last few articles for this category, I started sharing stuff on Twitter pretty regularly. But I don’t that much more either. So, given that I’ve started keeping a list of things in Apple Notes that I find useful, I thought I might as well return to form and share them here. They will probably have a much longer shelf-life and maybe reach more people between subscribers and tweeting out a link to the post. Week of 20 June 2021 Resources I don’t have as much as I’ve had this week but nonetheless, consistency is key, I guess. Server Security Architecture HTML Until next week. 👋🏻 [ad_2] Source link

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Resources, Week of 13 June 2021

[ad_1] As I’ve shared in the last few articles for this category, I started sharing stuff on Twitter pretty regularly. But I don’t that much more either. So, given that I’ve started keeping a list of things in Apple Notes that I find useful, I thought I might as well return to form and share them here. They will probably have a much longer shelf-life and maybe reach more people between subscribers and tweeting out a link to the post. Week of 13 June 2021 Resources For this week: Writing Programming Programming the Real World. “Consume backend APIs as simpler programmable building blocks for faster development of products, apps and services.” Introduction to Domain-Driven Design. Though I don’t do this as much as I did earlier in my career, I’m a fan of it and had the opportunity to take a week long course with the author of the paradigm. It’s something I think programmers should at least familiarize themselves with as it truly changes the way you think about solving business problems. Utilities Notes macOS 12.0 -where oh where is PHP. Most developers likely knew this was coming, but it’s official with the next release of macOS. Maybe opt to install with with brew after the update. 🙂 Here’s to two weeks in a row of getting material out for us (not that there’s a hard and fast rule but, y’know, it’s nice to But as long as I’m around, I’ll keep this series going. So until next week-ish. 👋🏻 [ad_2] Source link

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