Our First Look at the Upcoming Twenty Twenty-Five Default Theme

[ad_1] If you’re a fan of default WordPress themes, I have great news! On August 15, we got our first look at the upcoming Twenty Twenty-Five default theme in this WordPress.org post. The new Twenty Twenty-Five theme will be released as part of WordPress 6.7 (which is currently scheduled for release on November 12, 2024). The design is being led by Beatriz Fialho, an Automattic-sponsored contributor who also led design for last year’s Twenty Twenty-Four theme. Carolina Nymark and Juanfra Aldasoro will be leading development for the theme. According to Fialho, “one recurring idea was that simple things should be intuitive while complex things should be possible.” To make that happen, Twenty Twenty-Five utilizes a minimalist base design while including tons of patterns and style variations to let you easily customize it to be your own.  It will also include a bunch of different blog templates, all of which you’ll be able to customize using the Site Editor. Currently, there are dedicated layouts for a simple blog, a photo blog (using a sort of justified grid), and a complex blog (which uses a magazine-type layout). Click image to enlarge Looking at the preview images, it kind of makes me think of Ikea – and that’s a compliment! I like its minimal looks and I think there are some great-looking patterns that users will be able to play around with. If you’d like to share your feedback on the design, you can do so by leaving comments on the public Figma file. You will need a Figma account to leave a comment, but it’s free to do so. There’s also some discussion on the WordPress.org blog post that I linked above. Or, you’re also free to share your thoughts in the comments section below if you’d like to connect with the WPShout community! … Don’t forget to join our crash course on speeding up your WordPress site. Learn more below: Was this article helpful? No Thanks for your feedback! Or start the conversation in our Facebook group for WordPress professionals. Find answers, share tips, and get help from other WordPress experts. Join now (it’s free)! [ad_2] Source link

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Refreshing Old Twenty* WordPress Themes With Block Patterns – WordPress Tavern

[ad_1] What began as a project in August 2020 has now become a reality. All past Twenty* default WordPress themes now have their own unique block patterns. In recent weeks, Twenty Ten through Twenty Fifteen received updates. Designer Mel Choyce-Dwan kick-started tickets for all previous 10 default themes before the WordPress 5.5 release, the first version to support patterns. Twenty Twenty, Twenty Nineteen, Twenty Seventeen, and Twenty Sixteen each made the cut for that update. However, the remaining default themes were left to languish, at least for a few months and WordPress updates. Jumping back over a decade to update past themes might seem extreme, but all of the default themes are still some of the most popular from the directory. Granted, they had the benefit of being installed directly in WordPress. Still, the current number of active installations means they are worth a small refresh: Twenty Fifteen: 100,000+ Twenty Fourteen: 100,000+ Twenty Thirteen: 70,000+ Twenty Twelve: 100,000+ Twenty Eleven: 100,000+ Twenty Ten: 100,000+ Despite having the lowest installation total, Twenty Thirteen has some of the best pattern designs. The Informational Section and Decorative Gallery patterns stand out the most, but all fit well with the overall theme design. Informational Section Decorative Gallery Twenty Thirteen is also the only remaining default theme that supports wide and full alignments. Its one-column layout affords it more flexibility, and the old design feels fresh again with its new pattern choices. Perhaps they can revive the theme’s lagging numbers relative to the other defaults. The initial pattern designs for the theme included a suite of layouts for post formats, one of the features Twenty Thirteen leaned on. Something similar to the first gallery design landed, but the others were left out. Patterns designed to match post formats. Post formats never garnered widespread support past their launch, and the core development team all but abandoned them, never building atop the feature. However, all of the format-specific patterns might be welcome for those users still running the theme. They would have been a nostalgic nod to the old WordPress, a throwback to yesteryear. If nothing else, maybe they can serve as inspiration for those of us still clinging to that tiny sliver of hope that post formats will make a roaring comeback. These theme-bundled designs highlight how the upcoming pattern directory is not meant to be the only destination for snagging the best layout sections to drop into the block editor. Often, the best choices will be specific to the theme. Much of the flavor of custom design is lost when building for a general audience. What looks good with Twenty Twenty-One may look terrible in another and vice versa. Maybe that will change as block design tools become more robust and how they are used becomes standardized, but for now, at least, the most artistic patterns are those that designers include with their themes. Aside from Twenty Thirteen, Twenty Ten’s new patterns stood out the most. The theme was the first of the new era of yearly themes, and its classic blog design has weathered the years well — just ignore the 12-pixel sidebar font size. Twenty Ten’s new patterns. The three patterns are at home in the theme. The Introduction pattern, which showcases the Image, Heading, and Paragraph blocks, is simple, but it relies on Twenty Ten’s typography for an elegant article intro. The Quote and Alternating image layouts do not try to do too much, simply highlighting the theme’s design. Landing squarely in my favorite-but-most-disappointing category was Twenty Fourteen. The About pattern’s image and text looked elegant and roomy in the editor, but the front-end view painted a different picture. Because the theme lacks wide-alignment support, the photo was scrunched up. The gallery-supported Summary pattern has a lot of potential as a full-width pattern, but it falls short in the theme’s 474-pixel wide content area. About Pattern Summary Pattern There is really no reason why Twenty Fourteen could not support wide and full alignments. It has free space. At least the timeline-esque List pattern is pretty sweet in both the editor and front-end views. I may borrow that for my own projects. List pattern included with Twenty Fourteen. I was not particularly excited over the other patterns, but I am happy to see a little love thrown toward the 600,000 or so users with these themes still active. I am sure many will find something they can use on their own sites. The themes are aging; the wrinkles and weaknesses of their designs are showing. With the site editor looming ahead, it might be time to consider retiring them. That is assuming no one wants to take the reigns and update them for a modern era. Otherwise, they will continue falling behind, remaining a relic of classic WordPress. Like this: Like Loading… [ad_2] Source link

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