WordPress 6.1 RC 1 Released, Ready for Testing and Translation – WP Tavern

[ad_1] We are less than three weeks out from WordPress 6.1’s official release on November 1, 2022. RC 1 was released this week, marking the hard string freeze, which means 6.1 is ready to be translated. The features landing in this release are heavy on block and site editor improvements that will bring users a greater level of design control. Many of these features have been tested in the Gutenberg plugin but will need further testing now that they are in core, including the expanded template experience, better placeholders for blocks, new modal interfaces and preferences improvements, and updated menu management. WordPress 6.1 includes 11 releases of the Gutenberg plugin (13.1 – 14.1). If you are monitoring WordPress’ core development blog, you may have seen the deluge of dev notes coming in ahead of 6.1. A few of the highlights include the following: The WordPress 6.1 Field Guide has also been published. This guide includes all the technical details of the changes coming in the release, as well as the full collection of dev notes. There are a good number of updates that fall outside of the editor with ticket references in the Field Guide, including error logging and hooks added to wp-cron.php, database updates, addition of required attribute for required inputs on multisite site registration, updates to external libraries, REST API improvements, and many more miscellaneous core updates. Plugin and theme developers are encouraged to test their extensions against RC1 and update the “Tested up to” version in the readme file. WordPress testers who are not comfortable filing a Trac ticket for bugs should report them to the Alpha/Beta area in the support forums. [ad_2] Source link

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Gutenberg 14.3 Improves Image Drag and Drop – WP Tavern

[ad_1] Gutenberg 14.3 was released this week with drag-and-drop improvements for both the block editor and the site editor. Automattic-sponsored contributor Aaron Robertshaw published a video, illustrating how the block editor now supports  dropping an image onto an empty paragraph block to replace it with a new Image block. The site editor has also added drag-and-drop capabilities for blocks and patterns in the new zoomed-out view, which was added in Gutenberg version 14.1. It zooms out to focus on building and composing patterns, allowing users to move sections around without affecting the inner blocks. It can be enabled under “Experiments.” In 14.3, users can drag blocks and patterns right onto the canvas with an overhead view that makes it easy to place in between existing blocks. video source: Gutenberg PR #44402 This version also introduces new support for alt + arrow keyboard combinations for navigating blocks. Robertshaw explained how they work: For example, if your cursor is towards the end of a long paragraph, you can quickly press alt + up arrow to move to the beginning of that paragraph. If you are already at the beginning of a text block, you’ll move to the start of the previous paragraph. Similarly, alt + down arrow will move you to the end of a block of text. The Styles typography controls have been updated to include the Tools Panels that users have available in the Block Settings interface. This makes the experience more consistent and expands the capabilities to allow for resetting the values. This release includes dozens of fixes and improvements to design tools, components, the Block API, and more. Check out the changelog in the announcement post for the full list of updates. Gutenberg 14.3 will not be included in the upcoming WordPress 6.1 release but will be rolled into core the next time around. If you want these features now, you can install the Gutenberg plugin. [ad_2] Source link

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A Free Business Block Theme for WordPress – WP Tavern

[ad_1] WPZOOM is coming in strong with its first block theme approved for the WordPress Themes Directory. UniBlock is a beautifully designed theme that is well-suited for businesses and freelancers. The company plans to adopt the concept of full-site editing in other WPZOOM themes as well, following the release of UniBlock. UniBlock’s default look is sporting a darker color palette in the navigation and above the fold, with a lighter background for the rest of the website. The video on the sample homepage uses the free WPZOOM Video Popup Block plugin, which supports Vimeo and YouTube. It’s a simple, lightweight block that allows users to customize the play button and play icon. After activating the theme, clicking on ‘Customize’ will prompt the user to install the video plugin. It can also be converted to a Custom HTML block or removed entirely at the user’s discretion. UniBlock’s 19 custom block patterns include everything one might expect from a business theme but, most impressively, it ships with five full-page patterns: Front Page About Services Blog Contact Alternatively, users can assign the page template in the post settings to get the same effect. These full-page patterns are convenient for speedy page building. They make it possible to get a basic business website up in a matter of minutes. Here’s an example of the Services full-page pattern that will instantly embed when selected. Users can delete any sections they don’t need, add more blocks and patterns, and quickly fill in all their own information. Separately there are patterns for a footer with text, links, multiple arrangements of featured boxes with text and button, multiple designs for call-to-action sections, pricing tables, team members with social icons, testimonials, header cover, sidebar, 404 page, and more. Users can delve even further into customizing the templates with the site editor, as UniBlock is packaged with nearly two dozen templates and template parts. Here they can also edit the menu and adjust global styles. WPZOOM is developing a Pro version of the theme to release in a few weeks with support for importing the whole demo, multiple color schemes, multiple demos, premium block patterns, and additional header and footer layouts. Check out the demo on the WPZOOM website to see the theme in action. WPZOOM has also written documentation for UniBlock, which covers general topics like how to use block patterns, how to set up the front and blog pages, and how to create a menu in the site editor. Since the company’s most popular themes are what would be considered classic themes, UniBlock is new territory for most of their customers. It is so far the only block theme among WPZOOM’s collection of 31 themes. Block theme adoption is slowly making its way across WordPress’ major theme shops and the official directory is now hosting 160 themes tagged for full-site editing. As more longtime theme companies make their block theme debuts and develop a base for future themes, WordPress users may start to see a rapid acceleration of the number and variety of block themes available. UniBlock is so far one of the few block themes in the directory with a singular focus on business websites. It is available to download for free from WordPress.org or via the admin themes panel. [ad_2] Source link

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Plugin Dependencies Feature Plugin Now Ready for Testing – WP Tavern

[ad_1] For more than a decade, WordPress developers have been discussing how core can support plugins that require one or more other plugins in order to work. Having a standardized way of managing plugin dependencies would be a useful and time-saving feature for developers, who currently have to roll their own solutions for this. “The situation there is a lot like the relationship between parent and child themes,” project lead Andy Fragen said in February when introducing the idea for the feature plugin. “Without their relationships to the bigger plugin, those dependent plugins can do very little. Every plugin developer is on their own to code a solution to resolve the issue. The single most common example is WooCommerce, which is a dependency for hundreds, if not thousands, of WooCommerce add-on plugins.” After nine months of discussion and development, the Plugin Dependencies feature plugin is now ready for testing. It allows plugin authors to specify any WordPress.org-hosted plugin(s) that are required for their plugins to function. A plugin that has dependencies can be identified by adding a “Requires Plugins” header to the docblock of the main plugin file. Plugin authors can specify as many dependencies as necessary in a comma-separated list of plugin slugs. How does it work? Site owners will get an admin notice if there are dependencies they need to install. The plugin card will be updated to display the Requires and Required by information on the Plugins screen. Fragen outlined how the community can test the new core support for handling plugin dependencies. You do not have to be a developer to participate in testing this new feature. It involves installing test plugin files and confirming admin notices appear and disappear at the right times. Testers who are comfortable editing plugin files can try adding dependencies, adding a dependency for non-WordPress.org plugins, and other more advanced tests. Version control is not part of this project, so developers will not be able to specify a minimum required version, for example. “Version control is out of scope for the feature as described in the original Make post referenced above,” Fragen said in response to a question on the feature plugin. “As the majority of the dependencies come from the dot org repository, the most current versions will be installed. “Specifically, WordPress should automatically prompt the user to update to the current version and may use auto-updates as well.” Testing will be open until December 1, 2022. Anyone who wants to be part of moving this long-awaited feature towards a possible inclusion in core can report issues to the WP Plugin Dependencies plugin’s repository. [ad_2] Source link

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Jetpack Social Plugin Adds Paid Plan, Free Users Now Limited to 30 Shares per Month – WP Tavern

[ad_1] Jetpack has announced changes to its Jetpack Social plugin that may impact publishers who frequently share across social media networks. Previously, users could share an unlimited number of posts automatically via their connected social media accounts. Jetpack is shuffling its monetization strategy for this extension and has capped social sharing at 30 shares per month for the free tier. A new paid plan offers 1,000 shares and re-shares per month, starting at $1/month for the first month and is $10/month thereafter. As a concession, Jetpack is rolling the social previews and re-sharing into the free plan. With Jetpack Social, if a post is automatically shared to Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, that counts as three shares. It’s easy to see how quickly these shares can rack up to where even a casual blogger might require a paid plan. Publishers that are used to being able to automatically share all their posts for free should be aware this change that limits them to to 30 shares per month. I would not be surprised to see some users switch to another social sharing plugin, as many others offer far more social networks and don’t limit the number of times users can share. Instead they opt to restrict re-sharing, scheduling, or the ability to connect multiple accounts per social network. Jetpack Social has a new team behind it focused on making the product better. In 2021, Automattic acquired the Social Image Generator plugin with plans to integrate it into Jetpack’s social media tools. This may make the product more compelling, since it currently doesn’t stand up well to the myriad of free sharing plugins out there. Jetpack only supports four social networks, but the team is working on expanding the plugin’s capabilities. The plugin’s development team also accepts feature suggestions on its GitHub repository. Version 1.4.0 of the Jetpack Social plugin moved the share limits code to the Publicize package and added a meter to show users how many shares they have remaining. Users on the free plan should notice these changes in their dashboards. [ad_2] Source link

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10up Publishes Gutenberg Best Practices Website – WP Tavern

[ad_1] 10up has published a Gutenberg Best Practices website as a public resource with tutorials, documentation, and example code. Maintaining current documentation has not been a strong point of the official Gutenberg project as the pace of the project makes it difficult for contributors and extenders to keep up. “Gutenberg introduced an entirely new editorial paradigm for content creation and page building within WordPress,” 10up Associate Director of Editorial Engineering Fabian Kaegy said. “Because the block editor is still fairly new, it is advancing quickly and changes are introduced regularly; as such, learning opportunities are scarce and we have felt an absence of best practice documentation that meets 10up standards for craftsmanship.” 10up’s Gutenberg Best Practices were written to supplement WordPress’ core documentation with what Kaegy said is a “more client-services-centric approach tailored to engineering enterprise-level editorial experiences.” For developers who are brand new to working with the block editor, the Reference section has a wealth of information about the anatomy of a block, the fundamentals of block theming with theme.json, block extensions, block variations, and more, with supporting videos and gifs. The documentation also gives a little more context for practical usage. For example, the section about Block Transforms includes information about when and how to define block transforms. The Training section of 10up’s Gutenberg Best Practices contains a mini crash course on the file structure of a block and all of its components, and how to build a custom block using the 10up Starter Block. This is especially helpful for developers looking for some extra guidance developing their first blocks. The Guides section contains more advanced topics like extending core blocks and including frontend JS with a block. The documentation is available on GitHub for anyone to contribute edits. The site also links to a discussion board on GitHub where developers are welcome to join discussions and workshop the best practices in collaboration with 10up employees. 10up has published the Gutenberg Best Practices website with a beta designation and intends to update and expand it as WordPress evolves. [ad_2] Source link

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Discussion on Replacing Plugin Active Install Growth Data Continues Behind Closed Doors – WP Tavern

[ad_1] Earlier this month WordPress.org meta contributors removed the active install growth chart from plugins, sending plugin developers who relied on this data into a state of dismay and outrage. The commit cited “insufficient data obfuscation” but there was no clear communication about when and where this decision had been made. Developers demanded more transparency around the charts’ removal but received no clear answers. Multiple opportunities to communicate the details behind the decision were deliberately forgone, as speculation mounted. Several contributors not directly involved in the conversations prematurely insisted it was removed due to a security or privacy concern, but Samuel Otto Wood has unequivocally confirmed that it was neither of these things. In a recent appearance on the WPwatercooler podcast, Wood elaborated on the decision, which he says was made in May through private channels via Slack DMs in a discussion initiated by Matt Mullenweg. “The reason is really quite simple,” Wood said. “It was removed because by and large, nobody was using them. Nobody was using the chart itself. By and large, the chart was not useful to the majority, and it didn’t really fit the purpose we had for it, that we had in mind when we implemented it.” Wood said the active growth chart was intended to just show growth or decline of a plugin on a weekly basis, but the data wasn’t working as intended: People wanted that feedback on whether plugin’s growing, whether it’s shrinking, et cetera. And that’s valuable information for developers to have, it’s valuable information users to know. But it really wasn’t working as that. The data that it provided was a percentage based data, and it was a very weak percentage based data. So by and large, the majority of use of that data was people scraping the data and using it to work backwards to the exact quote, exact numbers That was entirely the problem was that people were largely using it to get those numbers. Now, that’s not itself bad, but a, the reverse math didn’t work. It was wrong for a number of reasons, mainly because we were doing such a way obfuscating the data in such a way that it made that number wrong. Second, Actually, it’s kind of funny. It actually always gave numbers a bit too high, so it was giving people the wrong impression. Third, it really, people trusted it as an active number, as a number of active cells to the point where, to the point where they, they relied on it to make decisions and things like that. It was not a good idea. Although Otto was not involved in working on the project at the time, he was privy to the discussion and relayed some of the details: I read through all that discussion and we worked, they worked on it for a long, Scott and several people tried various things before removing it. They adjusted the values, they adjusted numbers. They, they went through a ridiculous amount of iteration and in the end, none of it worked. People were still using it even though it was giving them basically garbage. So finally removing it was the only thing to do. We did have a plan for replacing it. We just didn’t have a plan for replacing it immediately. Nevertheless, giving them active install count numbers that are wrong is more harmful, we felt, to both users and developers interests than simply not giving them at all. So that’s why it was removed. The concern podcast host Sé Reed and guest Matt Cromwell highlighted was that the decision was communicated in such a way that it suggested it was security related. Since it was not a sensitive security or privacy issue, Reed asked why was it handled in a private chat instead of the meta channel when the decision had such a profound impact on developers being able to track the trajectory of their plugins. Since the inaccuracy of the charts was well-known to those more intimately acquainted with the problem, Wood said its removal was “not quite the big deal” that everyone else ended up perceiving it to be. They did not anticipate the firestorm the charts’ removal would create in the trac ticket where developers were pleading to have them restored. “The physical visual chart itself is not so instrumental to the way I operate things,” GiveWP founder Matt Cromwell said. “But it’s the act of removing it without any conversation whatsoever. “And what does that mean for the long run of data about plugins on.org and the viability of their, of us, continuing to have them? That’s the real question. It’s an indicator of an underlying problem that isn’t getting better.” This incident has sparked discussions about what kind of partnership plugin developers should expect from WordPress.org, and whether it’s time they looked for support from one another instead of the platform, as Eric Karkovack suggested on The WP Minute. In light of plugin developers losing more valuable data that hasn’t been replaced, Alex Denning, managing director of Ellipsis, a digital marketing agency, makes the case that WordPress.org is ineffective for plugin distribution in 2022. He contends that new WordPress plugins are not passing the 100k, 500k , or 1m+ install thresholds and the directory isn’t giving plugins organic reach. The focus of the ticket has changed from calling on WordPress.org to bring back the active growth charts to be more about brainstorming helpful plugin stats and insights that plugin developers would like to see. It is still receiving angry and frustrated comments from developers who believe the data should belong to the community. “I cannot emphasize enough that conversations about what to replace the active growth chart with should be happening in a public Slack channel or on a Trac ticket,” Equalize Digital CEO Amber Hinds said. “This data should belong to the community and the community should be able to participate in deciding how (or not) to display it.” The reasons that purportedly necessitate obfuscation have

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WordPress Documentation Team to Host Its First Online Contributor Day, October 25, 2022 – WP Tavern

[ad_1] WordPress’ Documentation Team will be hosting an online Contributor Day on October 25, 2022, ahead of WordPress’ anticipated 6.1 release the following week. Milana Cap, who has been volunteering with the Documentation team for years and is currently sponsored by XWP, announced the event this week. “The primary goal is to catch up with a lot of tasks in the team’s backlog but also it’s an opportunity for all contributors to meet, collaborate in real time, and help onboard all new contributors who need any kind of help,” Cap said. The virtual event will be the first of its kind for the Documentation team but follows in the footsteps of other contributors teams, including the Polyglots and Accessibility teams, which have hosted wildly successful global events that include contribution and onboarding. These types of virtual gatherings help contributors get connected and put names to faces New contributors are encouraged to attend, even if it’s just for a short time to see what documentation contribution is all about. Cap requested everyone who plans to attend to leave their names on the GitHub issue dedicated to the Contributor Day. It outlines the steps to begin contributing and highlights a list of tickets awaiting content review for older documentation as well as more recent block editor and end user documentation tickets. For example, there is a project board specifically for high priority tickets remaining for 6.1. The Documentation team will be kicking off the event on Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 06:00 AM EDT and it will run for 10 hours. Attendees can join via Zoom and are not required to stay for any length of time. Category: News, WordPress [ad_2] Source link

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WordPress Themes Directory Adds Style Variation Previews – WP Tavern

[ad_1] WordPress.org theme previews just got a major improvement this week with the addition of Style Variation previews. The previews now appear on block themes that include style variations. Themes that have more variations than what fits in the space beneath the preview pane will display all variations in a carousel with little arrows to navigate to the next ones. Here’s an example with the Pixl theme from Automattic that contains seven brightly colored variations: It’s also possible to see a selected style variation loaded into the theme preview now. Clicking the ‘Preview’ button will allow users to scroll and explore the theme with their selected style variation applied. “These style variations, designed by theme authors and packaged in block themes, help users have a diverse set of approaches to their site design allowing them to find one that aligns with their goals,” Automattic-sponsored Meta team contributor Steve Dufresne said. “This feature helps to highlight the flexibility of modern WordPress themes and it’s time to have it baked into the theme directory experience.” The new style variation previews are fetched from the themes’ /styles/{variation_name}.json files, so theme authors do not have to do anything to make the previews work. They will automatically display for any theme that includes style variations. Meta team contributors are also working on adding the ability to filter the directory for themes with style variations. Dufresne proposed creating a new style-variations theme tag as the simplest route towards implementing this. “Doing so will allow the active filtering of these themes without needing to make many if any code changes,” he said in the ticket‘s description. “A longer-term solution should look at exposing these features visibly somehow without needing to find the obscured filters that we currently have. This feature should be judged equally with others and therefore, this type of implementation should be better debated and falls out of the scope of this ticket and the immediate need to see themes with style variations.” This is a good observation, as not all WordPress users hunting for themes will know that a tag exists in the Feature Filter. That list is already quite lengthy and not the best user experience for discovering themes with specific features, especially if users don’t understand what the terms mean. Theme authors will want to watch this ticket. If the shorter term solution of creating a new style-variations tag is committed, they will need to update their themes with the tag to be included in the filtering. [ad_2] Source link

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Openverse Audio Catalog Passes 800,000 Files, Audio Support Now Out of Beta – WP Tavern

[ad_1] Openverse, formerly known as Creative Commons Search before it joined the WordPress project, has passed an important milestone with its support for audio files. The catalog has now indexed more than 800,000 audio files and its development team has taken audio support out of beta. Openverse visitors can now confidently search for and explore audio files for use in their videos, podcasts, or other creative projects, all available for free use under Creative Commons licenses. It is an incredible resource that is expanding and improving every day. Users can search on any device, but I found that Openverse audio searches and files are surprisingly easy to navigate on mobile. Search results can be filtered by permitted use, license, audio category, extension, duration, and source. Previewing works well and each file has attribution information readily available to copy. Clicking on “Get this audio” will take the visitor to the file on the external collection’s website where it can be downloaded. Deeper integration with WordPress core is on the roadmap for Openverse files. It would also be interesting to see WordPress’ core Audio block integrate access to Openverse, in addition to pulling files from URL or the media library, the same way the Image block allows users to browse Openverse. Gutenberg contributors are currently exploring how they can add basic Openverse integration to the inserter. Matias Ventura, lead architect of Gutenberg, has proposed adding a Media tab to the existing tabs for Blocks, Patterns, and Reusable blocks, which allow dragging and dropping content into the canvas. This would offer more convenient access to the media library while building pages. “The inserter panel should support the ability to drag media from the inserter into the canvas, including dragging into block placeholders to quickly update patterns and such with your own content,” Ventura said. “The Media tab would allow users to choose between categorized assets from the media library, and from Openverse.” Gutenberg engineer Nik Tsekouras created a PR with a prototype, basically a proof-of-concept, to explore how this might be implemented. Development is still in the exploration and early stages, but this looks like a promising new integration that would make it easy for WordPress users to tap into Openverse’s catalog of 600 million free creative works. [ad_2] Source link

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