[ad_1] If you’re attending WordCamp US 2024 in person or online, I have great news! In late August, we got our first look at the full lineup and schedule for this year’s event, which will be held in Portland, Oregon from September 17-20. [ad_2] Source link
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Revisions Extended Plugin Lets Users Schedule Updates to Published Posts – WP Tavern
[ad_1] WordPress has long had the ability to schedule content to be published in the future, but it can only make immediate changes to posts that are already published. If you want to schedule changes to published content, a plugin is necessary. Corey McKrill, a full-time sponsored contributor to the WordPress.org Meta team, has developed a plugin, with the help of contributor Steven Dufresnethat, which is now in use on WordPress.org. Revisions Extended allows users to schedule revisions, or updates, for posts that have already been published. It extends WordPress’ revision system to include a “future” post status as a revision post type. McKrill recorded a gif to demonstrate the UI: https://cloudup.com/cOHLm_77ECk Although there are existing plugins which already perform this functionality, McKrill said they were either inadequate for WordPress.org’s needs or add extra functionality that they don’t need. Revisions Extended supports the following for any post type that supports revisions: From the block editor, make changes to an already-published post and schedule those changes to go live at a later date. In the block editor UI as well as other admin screens, indicate when a post has a scheduled update. View a list of all scheduled updates Delete a scheduled update or trash/unpublish a post with a scheduled update Edit scheduled updates, including the content and the future publish date. Compare scheduled update content to the current published content. The ability to schedule updates is especially useful for ensuring that software documentation is updated when a new release is available or when API changes go into effect. The plugin entered the testing phase in March and is now used on multiple sites across the WordPress.org network. It makes it easier to schedule updates to lesson plans on the Learn WordPress site after a new version of WordPress is released. It also makes updates to HelpHub and DevHub more efficient. “If you need to schedule updates for published WordPress post/page/CPT without changing what’s already published (nor switching to draft), this is something we recently started using at the WordPress Docs Team and it’s a game changer,” contributor Milana Cap said. Revisions Extended is currently being developed on GitHub. McKrill said it may be be submitted to the official plugin directory someday when it is more ready for that level of exposure. “It’s a possibility,” McKrill said. “There’s a bit more functionality I think should be added first, namely the ability to create updates in a ‘draft or ‘pending’ status to go alongside the current ‘future’ status. Adding it to the plugin directory would allow a lot more people to try it out and give feedback, but it might also greatly increase the support and maintenance burden. So that has to be part of the calculation when deciding if/when to add it.” McKrill believes Revisions Extended could be a useful addition to core but there is not currently an active plan to bring it into WordPress. “Something like this might get traction during Gutenberg Phase 3, which will focus on collaboration tools,” McKrill said. For now, those who are interested to use Revisions Extended can download it and/or contribute to its development on GitHub. Like this: Like Loading… [ad_2] Source link
Continue readingWordCamp Europe 2021 Online Schedule Announced – WordPress Tavern
[ad_1] Mark your calendars for the next major WordPress event coming up at the beginning of next week. WordCamp Europe is just five days away and will run from June 7-9. In July 2020, organizers announced that in-person events would not resume until 2022. At that time, attendees were deeply disappointed but resigned to the necessity of online events due to the pandemic. One of the advantages of scheduling a virtual event so far in advance is that organizers have been able to eliminate a great deal of uncertainty for attendees and their travel arrangements as well as have more time to create a better online experience. This is one of the few times in WordCamp Europe history where all attendees will be joining virtually, on equal footing from wherever they are in the world. WCEU 2021 organizers have announced the speaker lineup and schedule for the upcoming three days of 30-minute sessions, 10-minute lightning talks, workshops, discussion panels, and interviews. Two tracks will run simultaneously. The schedule includes some big-picture topics like full-site editing and the future of WordPress themes, as well as more technical topics such as how to quickly build custom blocks, setting up a WooCommerce data hub, headless WordPress, and accessing APIs using OAuth on the Federated Web. At the close of day 3, WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg will join the event for a virtual chat. Business owners, project managers, designers, and other professionals will all find topics related to their work and interests. The schedule has a built-in favoriting tool so attendees can mark the sessions they plan to attend and then print or email to themselves for a personalized schedule. Every hour or so there will be 10-minute breaks so attendees will have time to talk with others and socialize. WCEU organizers are planning to host virtual networking rooms where attendees can meet sponsors and take part in product demos. Registration is free and attendees will receive online goodiebags. Tickets are still available but organizers expect it to be another “sell out” year. Like this: Like Loading… [ad_2] Source link
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