Photos by Matthieu Paley (@paleyphoto) | 1. Inside the church of the Real Monast…


Photos by Matthieu Paley (@paleyphoto) | 1. Inside the church of the Real Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial, dappled light and serene quiet highlight the splendor of Spanish Renaissance architecture. Built between 1563 and 1584 under King Philip II, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is a majestic complex that functioned as both a royal palace and a monastery.

2. Oscar Jiménez, whose family has bred horses for generations, took me on a ride through Guadarrama National Park, showcasing one of his impressive Andalusian horses. These are big horses! Known for their grace and endurance, they perfectly embody the elegance and strength of Spain’s equestrian heritage.

3. This is the view from the Chair of Philip II (Silla de Felipe II) near El Escorial in the Sierra Guadarrama. From this iconic stone chair, King Philip II reportedly oversaw the construction of the nearby monastery. Today, it provides a stunning panorama of the mountains and valley, reflecting the king’s likely appreciation for both natural beauty and architectural grandeur.

4. Getting lost in Madrid was quite the adventure! Here, passersby descend the historic Arco de Cuchilleros, a 17th-century staircase that connects Plaza Mayor with the vibrant streets below. Once a gateway for tradesmen and knife makers, this archway stands as a lasting symbol of the city’s rich history, where commerce, tradition, and daily life have intertwined for centuries.

5. Macarena Gonzales prepares the famous sandwiches at El Capricho, a renowned spot in El Rastro’s Sunday flea market. Amid the vibrant market bustle, this is the perfect place to enjoy a delicious bite while exploring the eclectic treasures of El Rastro. My tastebuds could not believe how delicious it was!

6. People-watching around Plaza de la Almudena was a blast! The square buzzes with activity—traditional dancers displaying their flair, passersby soaking up the lively atmosphere, all set against the majestic backdrop of the cathedral. It’s the perfect spot to savor Madrid’s vibrant culture and energy before heading out for tapas!

Learn more at the link in bio. | Discover the region of Madrid: the heart of Spain.



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