Aita for giving a 14yo girl a ride home late at night


I’m 34m and I was driving home from work at 11pm when I saw a girl walking alone. We aren’t in a particularly safe area to be out at night like that so I offered her a ride and I drove her home which would have taken her awhile to walk. She talked about how she was at a party and her ride left without her and that she spent awhile looking for a ride but nobody she knew was sober enough or was able to drive. I dropped her off at her place and got home. My wife asked why I took so long and I explained everything and she said it was wrong and creepy to offer a girl her age a ride and that i shouldn’t have done it.

I personally don’t think it’s wrong and with how dangerous our area is I think it’s better that she had a safe way home rather than potentially getting hurt while walking or being picked up by someone with bad intentions.

Edit to add since everyone is mentioning it: I was aware of the risk but I’d rather have had her destroy my reputation than for her to have been picked up by someone with less pure intentions


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