You Did This – HeroPress


Just the other day Lana Miro wrote her HeroPress essay from from Mykolaiv, Ukraine. In it she gives some credit to the WordPress community for helping her literally not lose her mind while bombs fell in her neighborhood. Additionally she credits her company, which builds tools for WordPress.

In the past I’ve said “WordPress won’t help you. It’s software, it just sits there.” But if that software hadn’t been just sitting there, a group of people in Ukraine wouldn’t have been able to make this company, to become friends and co-workers, and support each other.

WordCamp Crazy is a group of men from Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh that travel together to WordCamps around the world. If that doesn’t seem odd to you then you don’t know the history of those three countries. On the whole they don’t get along. Yet because WordPress exists these men met on common ground and became friends. Sure it’s just a small group of people, but it’s one step in healing the wounds between their countries. How many other groups or even just two people around the world are like them, that we never hear about?

There are almost 300 stories on HeroPress now, we’ve been building it for 10 years. But there are so many more stories that I’ve heard that never made it to the site. So many lives changed.

I think “How did this happen?” and I look at WordPress as a tool. Who built it? So many people. Thousands? Hundreds of thousands? Millions? Not just core, not just plugins, themes, hacks, tweaks and code. All the support questions answered, all the talks given, all the translations, tutorials, blogs, videos, events, and simply time sitting quietly explaining something to one person who needed it.

Here’s my point, right here.

If you’ve ever contributed to WordPress in any way, YOU did this. I did this. WE did this.

Think about that, and about your impact on the world. Because of your actions, the world is a better place.

Thank you.

Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash


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