My wife is angry because I told her best friend’s husband that she cheated on him 10 years ago


Last week, my wife and I were joking around and talking about life. We were both pretty drunk, and we were talking about our best friends, and my wife was talking about her best friend. My wife drunkenly admitted that her best friend had cheated on her husband 10 years ago, but my wife was also proud of the the steps her best friend took since that incident, which included getting sober, going to therapy and getting her life in order.

I then asked my wife if her husband knew about this, and my wife said no. I was kind of shocked to hear it but I was also pretty drunk, so I did not make much of it. However, the next day, I again asked my wife about it, and my wife seemed a bit nervous and she admitted she had broken her friend’s trust and shouldn’t have told that to me. I told my wife it was alright, but asked why the husband did not know about cheating, and it was not fair to him to be living this lie. My wife agreed with me, and she said she did encourage her friend many times to confess, but ultimately it was their business and not ours.

However, after taking a couple of days to think about it, I decided I would tell her best friend’s husband. I told my wife about it, and my wife was shocked and begged me not to. This was because her best friend and her husband had their life in order, they also had 2 children, and they both loved each other. However, I told my wife it was not fair to her husband to be living a lie his whole life, and it was up to him to make an informed decision all things considered.

I then called her best friend’s husband, and told him about it. He was shocked, and initially didn’t believe me, but he said he would speak to his wife about it. A couple of days later, her husband had called me back and thanked me for informing him. However, I later learned from my wife that her best friend’s husband was going to file for divorce, and her best friend was devastated. My wife is angry with me, but I told my wife morally I had no choice.


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