AIO for being upset when my stepdad brings random men into my room


I (16f) live with my mom (32f) and my Stepdad (44m) and twice know he has brought male freinds of his (who I have never met) into my room while i was sleeping. for some context my mother recently redid the room. The first time this happened I asked him to not do that again seeing that being woken up by strangers in my room is both frightening and puts me in a very vulnerable state. After that we got to do an argument about boundaries. But it happened again earlier this morning he brought a neighbor into my room while I was sleeping around 9:30 am to look at the newly painted walls. Both times I have asked my mother to talk to him about privacy but she says it's not a big deal so am I over reacting?

Thank you to everyone suggesting I get a a portable door wedge for a door alarm looking at them on Amazon as we speak


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