My top dresser drawer is a catch all for uncategorized miscellany that I’ve accumulated over the years. It’s filled with the kinds of random things that seem like a good idea to keep but have no use whatsoever in my day-to-day life… Like that track medal I won in high school, or a guitar string replacement tool, or that “naughty coupon booklet” my wife bought me when we were still dating. You know, stuff like that.
I was looking for something in there the other day and I came across the booklet. It was untouched, all coupons in tact. When she gave it to me, I thought it was a cute gesture but we were already doing all those things anyway so I tucked it away and forgot about it. Fast forward 15 years (many of those married with children) the novelty that was lost on me in the past suddenly came into sharp focus. Mental bookmark: This can come in handy, especially these days when “the spice” needs all the help it can get.
One day she comes home from work. I was upstairs and I could just feel the negative energy rush into our house. The sound of her bad day could be heard in her footsteps. Her heels were aggressively clacking against the floor. I could tell from the combo sigh-growl coming from downstairs that I was about to get the business for something I didn’t even know I did.
I head downstairs and we say hi and ask about each other’s day. Her’s sucked, mine was great which automatically made things worse. As predicted, she starts to unload big time. It’s brutal and I’m just listening quietly, certain there’s nothing I can say or do to make it better. She notices I’m not engaging and asks what my deal is. I pull out the coupon booklet that I had slipped into my pocket during a hasty moment of questionable “quick thinking” and flip it to the blowjob coupon. I ceremoniously fold it along the perforations and tear it out, handing it to her purposefully.
Her, confused and caught a little off guard: “What’s this?”
Me, pointing to the coupon: “See, ‘Good for one blowjob any time.’”
Her, livid: “Are you fucking kidding me?”
Me, still purposeful: “No, it says ‘any time.’”
Her, shocked, face turning crimson: “…”
Me, doubling down and drawing her attention to the fine print which says: “Drop your pants, I’ll get on my knees and suck your dick with a lick and a squeeze.”
She goes nuclear. NU-CLEEEEE-ERR. She snatches the booklet and tears it into smithereens. I’ve never seen her so mad in my life. Achievement unlocked.
There is a 100% chance this MAY or MAY NOT end in divorce.
Tldr: Basically the title.
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