Older children should not be expected to become unpaid babysitters for their younger siblings.

[ad_1] Entitled parents should not expect pre teens/teens to share parental duties. Don’t have additional kids if you do not have the resources to hire childcare. Older children can learn responsibility in other ways that enriches their life. They should not be saddled with the burden of parenthood. EDIT: It is abundantly clear that this post offended many parents that consider older children as “built in” free childcare. Also, proclaiming that “I provide food, shelter and clothing so my kids must do everything I say” doesn’t warrant a gold star in parenting. Providing basic survival necessities is the bare minimum you can do as a parent. Pointing this out as if it is a triumph as a parent makes you look even worse. Don’t get angry, just do better. [ad_2] View Reddit by AggressiveLoss8753 – View Source

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Jon Jones arrested last night for domestic battery

[ad_1] Jon Jones arrested last night for domestic battery Jon Jones was arrested early Friday morning by the Las Vegas Metro PD, a police spokesperson told ESPN. Jones is being charged with battery domestic violence and injuring and tampering with a vehicle. More info coming to @espn. — Marc Raimondi (@marc_raimondi) September 24, 2021 [ad_2] View Reddit by pepsiboycoke – View Source

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LPT: I Have been homeless, there is one tip i can give you if you ever get homeless “Dont hang around with other homeless people!”

[ad_1] 1. Go to Church even if you dont belive and talk to people ask for help or work. 3. If you find a place to sleep DONT TELL OTHERS! 4. Try not to look to homeless if you can . People want to help someone “down on luck” not someone who has “given up” 4. No alcohol ,No Drugs you are ealready in a bad place dont make getting out of it more difficult. EDIT: thankyou for all the storys you guys share . i try to talk to a few people where i can . Stay save whatever happens and dont give up if you are about to be homeless it will not be easy . you will have to fight but i belive in you and you got this ! EDIT 2: to make this clear i was homeless from 16 to almost 19 i am 35 now .and i am from germany not the USA [ad_2] View Reddit by Hanoverview – View Source

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